I have lived in Padstow for the
past 51 years, originally
coming from Newlyn in West Cornwall, I spent my
childhood years in the midst of the artist colony which probably
left its mark on me. Among my family friends there was an elderly artist
Mary Ashburner, whose studio I visited quite often, and where I sat as her
model for the princely sum of 6d per session.
I attended Penzance
School of Art for a period of time. On leaving I joined the General
Post Office as an trainee engineer for what was to become a career
lasting 41 years. In 1960 my duties took me to Goonhilly Earth Station
where I was responsible for the installation of equipment during the
formative years of satellite communications. My career was interrupted
only by service in the Korean War 1950 -52 where I served as a reconnaissance
radio operator. On retiring I again took up painting again and was able
to devote time to my photography.
My subject matter is heavily biased
towards subjects connected with the sea.
Contact George e-mail